Going to court, suing someone or being sued is a lengthy, time consuming and expensive process. Using a mediator to assist you in resolving the conflict will save you time and money. Essential Mediations will assist you in creating a resolution that will work for all the parties involved. Mediation will help you come to an agreement that is practical. Mediation is for the greater good of the children in a divorce. Mediation can be creative. Mediation can preserve the relationships and allow the parties to move on with their lives. MOST OF ALL mediation allows you to have a say in the outcome of your dispute instead of a judge or jury deciding for you!
Turn to a skilled mediator if:

You are filing for a divorce and you want to end your marriage on your terms.:
- Divide Your Assets & Property
- Child Possession Time
- Child Support
- Visitation
- Spousal Support

You are in a Civil Dispute:
- You are Being Sued
- You are Suing Someone for Wrong Doing

There are conflicts in the workplace:
- Harassment
- Conflicts With Management
- Conflicts Between Employees

You are in a disagreement over a will or probate matters:
- Trusts
- Distribution of Funds
- Estate Planning Conflicts
Essential Mediations is here to help you and your family when you are going through tough times.
We Do Zoom Mediations!!
Or if you prefer we can have a safe distancing mediation at one of the attorneys’ offices, or if a neutral site is preferred, arrangements will be made with one of the locations I have secured
to conduct mediations.